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The Ingenious Trick to Organize Your Books and Manga When You Have a Lot

The Ingenious Trick to Organize Your Books and Manga When You Have a Lot


Whether you’re a voracious reader or a dedicated manga enthusiast, finding the right storage system for your growing collection can often feel like an uphill battle. Enter @strawberrymoss, also known as Jade on TikTok, who shared her ingenious hack on how to maximize your bookshelf space with the use of egg cartons. This blog post delves into various strategies to optimize space, creatively store mangas and books, design modular wall shelving systems and integrate these literary gems seamlessly into your home decor.

Space Optimization: from Shelves to Hybrid Solutions

The Egg Carton Hack: a Game Changer

Jade’s clever trick involves utilizing egg cartons to generate additional tiers within a bookshelf. This simple yet effective method lets you create a second layer of storage without hiding the books in front. Especially handy for paperback books or smaller manga formats that would otherwise get lost in the sea of larger hardcovers.

Selecting the Right Bookshelf

Another important aspect is selecting sturdy freestanding bookshelves capable of bearing the weight of numerous manga books. You might want to consider custom-built wooden shelves for a robust solution or wall-mounted shelves for a sleeker modern look.

This section has explored practical ways of optimizing shelf space using typical household items like egg cartons and choosing the right type of furniture. Up next are some creative strategies for organizing your beloved manga collection.

The Art of Storing Manga and Graphic Novels: creative Strategies

Aesthetic Appeal vs Practicality

Manga collection isn’t just about acquiring; it’s also about displaying aesthetically while maintaining practicality. Wall-mounted shelves installed at varying heights can create an artistic, graphic composition for your manga collection.

Manga Sorting: beyond Alphabetical

If you’re looking for a unique way to display your manga, consider sorting them by color or size rather than the conventional alphabetical order. This not only makes it a statement piece but also offers accessibility.

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Having covered creative strategies, it’s time we explored the world of modular storage options that provide functionality and adaptability.

Modular Storage: the Unmissable Wall-Mounted Tutorial

Diversity in Display

The beauty of modular wall units is their versatility. They can be rearranged according to your preference, making them an ideal solution for ever-expanding collections like manga.

A Step-by-Step Guide

Building a modular shelf might seem daunting initially. However, with carefully chosen materials and meticulous planning, you can create a custom-made storage system that perfectly accommodates your collection while enhancing the room’s aesthetic appeal.

Now that we’ve discussed various ingenious storage solutions for your books and manga, let’s investigate how they can be incorporated into home decor !

Decor Tips: integrating Books and Mangas into Your Interiors

Books as Decorative Elements

Your book collection doesn’t just have to be confined to the bookshelves; they can serve as decorative elements too.

Mangas as Wall Art

Framing and displaying some of your favorite manga covers on walls can add personality to your space. This technique marries function with form – showcasing your tastes while serving as engaging wall art.

To conclude this exploratory journey, let’s quickly recap the key points.


The journey of a manga enthusiast or book lover isn’t just confined to reading. It extends to storing, displaying, and integrating these pieces into their living spaces. Whether it’s using egg cartons to create additional storage layers on shelves, exploring creative ways to display your collection, building modular systems or using these literary works as decorative items, there’s a multitude of ingenious techniques you can use to organize and showcase your growing collection effectively. So go ahead and try some (or all) of these tips – your books will thank you for it !

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