Do you often find yourself wanting to keep your browsing history private while using VLC Media Player ? Perhaps you wish not to have a cluttered recent media list, or maybe you simply want to uphold your privacy. Whatever the case might be, this article will guide you on how to disable VLC history in just a few steps.
Understanding the Basics of VLC History
What is VLC History ?
VLC history, also known as recent media list, allows users to quickly access and reopen previously viewed videos. It is a practical function for those who frequently use the player for viewing various types of media content.
Why Would You Want to Disable it ?
While its convenience is undeniable, there are reasons why some people would prefer to disable it. This could be due to privacy concerns or simply to maintain a clean interface free from clutter.
Before we proceed on how to manage this feature on different platforms like Android and MacOSX, it’s essential first to comprehend its basics.
Managing History on Android: enabling and Disabling
How To Enable/Disable VLC History
In order to activate or deactivate this feature in an Android device, the following steps must be adhered :
- Navigate through Media > Recent Media, then click on Clear.
- Proceed to Tools > Preferences, then under Privacy/Network section, uncheck “Save recently played items in menu”.
- Don’t forget to hit Save button for changes to take effect. Remember that changes will only apply after restarting VLC.
With these easy steps, managing your VLC history becomes more straightforward than ever.
Erase Your VLC History on MacOSX
Steps to Clear VLC History on MacOSX
MacOSX users also have the ability to erase their VLC history. To do this, you can either :
- Open a terminal and enter the 3 command lines provided.
- Alternatively, go to preferences, select “Show All”, then navigate to “Interface” / “Main Interfaces” / “MacOSX” and uncheck “Keep Recent Items”.
Action | Description |
Open Terminal | Type in the 3 provided command lines |
Navigate through Preferences | Select ‘Show All’ and follow the path Interface > Main Interfaces > MacOSX to uncheck ‘Keep Recent Items’ |
By following these steps, your privacy is assured as your browsing history remains only with you.
Protect Your Privacy: stop Recording Browsing History
The Importance of Maintaining Privacy
In an era where everything we do online is monitored, it’s crucial to take steps towards protecting our privacy. By disabling your VLC history, you’re ensuring that your viewing habits remain private. This could be particularly important if you’re using a shared device.
Navigating the digital world while maintaining privacy might seem daunting. However, by following these instructions on managing your VLC history on both Android and MacOSX platforms, you’ve already taken one big step towards safeguarding your online privacy.
As we wrap up this guide, remember that each action taken towards maintaining privacy contributes significantly in our digital-oriented age. The steps highlighted above not only help clean up your interface but also provides an added layer of privacy. Whether you are using VLC on Android or MacOSX, the control to manage your viewing history is in your hands.
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